Why White Rabbit?

Recently my photo exhibition on the theme “The White Rabbit — the Migrants Bridge” has ended (Le Lapin Blanc, le Pont des Migrants). It took place in several cities in Belgium.
Exhibition has this name because each migrant in a new country is a little similar to « Through the Looking-Glass » from the book by Lewis Carrol. So things surprises him, things frightens him, things looks ridiculous, things are fantastic… Therefore the white rabbit is a guide between two worlds: world of the past and world of the present and future; usual world and world new. So he became a symbol of my exhibition which will grow and develop. Either will be completed regularly with new photos and new modern histories.

1000 faces and 1000 stories

The purpose of my project – to collect 1000 photos. I want to find my models and make shootings and interviews of them. One year later and five years later, i will repeat shootings and interviews of each model to follow their evolution. I want to show how we change as the world around us, what objectives we achieve, and what we change or refuse to change… I want to catch the attention on problems of integration for migrants, on the relevant organisations and also to break down some developed stereotypes.
Heroes of my exhibition are both refugees and spouses of Belgians, or those who moved with family and who came to Belgium to study or work and decided to stay. Some of them live here barely more than a year, other several decades… Different persons, ages, nationalities, destinies, dreams and fears…. The spindle of our destiny spins the thread which we try to interweave into a pattern of the Belgian multinational tapestry.

Mass – media wrote about this project

The first edition of the exhibition was already a great success with many visitors. Also an outstanding press coverage which has shwoned interest in this initiative and which has put migrants in the foreground.
As a result, the next exhibitions are planned to be held in the Flemish part of Belgium.

This project waits new models!

So if you have, in your community or friends, people who want to become a model participant of the project as migrant and to be part of the story, write me: Specify in the subject of the email: “A white rabbit”, and in the email how to contact you.